TALLER DE 4 PINTORS Art School in Barcelona. Students’ Pieces of Art:

Classes on oil painting from life in Barcelona
Painting from life. Oil on canvas
Study from nature in pastel and charcoal on paper
Study from nature in pastel and charcoal on paper
Mixed media: collage and acrylic. Figurative and abstract art
Mixed media: collage and acrylic
Sketch from nature in watercolor
Still Life
Drawing from life
Drawing from life
Landscape. Painting course in Barcelona
Oil painting on canvas
Ink Drawing course in 4 PINTORS Barcelona
Ink Drawing course in 4 PINTORS Barcelona
Bodegón. Study from nature
Study from nature. Oil on canvas
Figurative Art. Drawing and Painting courses Taller de 4 Pintors, Barcelona
Drawing from life
Trees. Composition in collage
Composition in collage
Live model drawing study
Acrylic painting
Portrait. Oil painting on canvas. Barcelona
Portrait. Oil painting on canvas
Human figure drawing at Taller 4 Pintors
Human figure sketch
Oil painting on canvas. Barcelona
Oil painting on canvas
Ink Drawing class
Ink and acrylic on paper. Art class in Taller 4 Pintors
Abstraction. Creation in oil on paper
Abstract creation in oil on paper
Painting in collage and acrylic on canvas
Landscape study in mixed media
White Flowers. Oil on canvas
Oil on canvas, work in process
Still life
Color study from life
Figurative and abstract art. Painting and drawing classes in Barcelona
Work in ink and acrylic on paper
Drawing courses at 4 PINTORS Barcelona
Charcoal drawing on paper
Sailboats. Study in mixed media
Sailboats. Study in mixed media
Female figure. Live model study
Live model study
Mixed media: collage and painting
Mixed media: collage and painting
Acrylic landscape. Figurative painting
Acrylic landscape
Painting from life
Figurative study in oil painting
Painting in collage and acrylic on canvas
Painting in collage and acrylic on canvas
Human figure. Live model drawing. Barcelona
Figure drawing class at 4 Pintors
Painting from life, course in Barcelona
Bodegón. Oil painting
Acrylic and collage on canvas. Taller de 4 Pintors
Acrylic and collage on canvas
Oil painting on canvas
Oil painting on canvas
Ink drawing class, Barcelona art academy
Ink and acrylic on paper
Vase with flowers. Oil painting classes
Oil on canvas

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